
What we offer

We will get you fit


— for the business opportunities and challenges presented by personalization

Open training program

We will introduce you to the business opportunities and challenges presented by personalized product development and work with you to generate some innovative and practical approaches. Our open opportunities have a cross-sector structure and thrive on interdisciplinary exchange — a fundamental element in the development of personalized solutions.


Corporate training

We structure our in-house training to meet the needs of your company and your employees. Alternatively, we can host corporate training at the Fraunhofer campus in Stuttgart. It is also possible to combine events at different venues.

Our target groups

You are the focus


— across sectors and disciplines

Specialist personnel and managers

By offering targeted development opportunities to employees, small and medium-sized enterprises can tap into new areas of potential that can help shape the future.


Startups offer attractive solutions developed on an interdisciplinary basis, which we see as one of the fundamental elements of personalized product development.


The aim is to offer targeted development support for companies right from the start of a young person’s career.

School pupils

More information on what we offer.

Our commitment to quality

We focus on developing your skills


 — in terms of content and from a methodological and didactic perspective

We can develop the content of your technical and personal skills so you reach a new level.


We won’t give you any grandiose scientific lectures. Instead, we’ll give you training based on practical challenges, drawing on the latest research developments.

Expertise from across sectors

We work on a transdisciplinary basis together with our industry partners to develop innovative and practical solutions. We will teach you approaches designed to shape the future — spanning different sectors and based on both your needs and the latest research.


Our goal is to expand your skills. That’s why our training is designed to be interactive — whether it’s face-to-face, online or in the form of an e-learning course.


We combine high-level training content with a variety of teaching methods, and we incorporate some fun elements too. This helps participants gain interesting insights and makes for an enjoyable experience.

Our formats

We focus on your learning goals


— in every format


We offer our training in different formats — but it is always interactive.


Face-to-face training is hosted at the Fraunhofer campus in Stuttgart and incorporates our laboratories and demonstrators, so you can experience innovative approaches to personalization first-hand.


Our online training courses are designed to be interactive. As a participant, you will be actively involved. This allows us to develop your skills in a way that is made to last, even when the training is online. For this reason, you will ideally have a camera and microphone.

Blended learning

Our blended learning formats are generally longer-term training courses that combine face-to-face and online elements. These formats involve less expenditure for participants (travel, costs) and offer the ideal opportunity for direct discussion and networking during the face-to-face component.


Our digital self-study offerings give participants the opportunity to learn about the fundamental topics in the field of personalization from any location, at any time and in an individual way.

Our latest offers

Further information about the trainings are currently only available in German.


Grundlagenseminar | 13. November 2024 | Tuttlingen

»Simulation in der Medizintechnik«

Prognosefähige Computersimulationen erlauben Produktanalysen von komplexen Prüfprozessen in diversen Varianten und Lastfällen schnell und nachvollziehbar durchzuführen. Zudem können darin der virtuelle Patient und das Produkt vereint in Wechselwirkung »In Silico« analysiert und das Produkt hinsichtlich Material, Struktur und Funktion an den individuellen Anforderungen und Bedarfen des einzelnen Patienten geprüft und optimal angepasst werden.

Effiziente menschzentrierte Simulationsprozesse ermöglichen längerfristig Kostenreduktionen, schaffen neue Innovationspotentiale und können den Zulassungsprozess von medizinischen Produkten durch klinische »In Silico« Studien an virtuellen Patientenkohorten beschleunigen.

In diesem interaktiven Seminar werden die Teilnehmer in die Grundlagen der Finite Elemente Methode (FEM) eingeführt und die Chancen und Herausforderungen der Simulation in der Medizintechnik werden aufgezeigt.


NEU || E-Learning

Der Kunde ist König?!

Die Personalisierung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen liegt im (Mega-)Trend.

In diesem E-Learning-Kurs erfahren Sie, was Mass Personalization ist, welche Potentiale damit verbunden sind und ob sich damit unternehmerische Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren lassen.