Jump into the fascinating world of science and research!

STEM events

Current opportunities for children and young people

STEM events


Project information


Let’s look at the future!

Research with us!


We invite you to discover some fascinating topics and research new projects together with our researchers.

What does a researcher do?

You’ll learn what exactly a researcher’s work involves. Sometimes, it’s not as complicated as you think — did you know that researchers spend a lot of their time building things out of Lego blocks?

That doesn’t exist!

We can teach you about products and technologies that don’t even exist yet.

Is this the right place for you?

Are you already an expert in a certain area, or would you just like to take a look around a research institute?


Whatever’s driving you, you’ve come to the right place!

Can I really do it?

Science is not always as complicated as you think — and we don’t mind what your school grades are. If you’re interested in the subjects we focus on or just want to see how researchers work, then come and visit us — we look forward to meeting you!

Are you a researcher? So am I!

Great, then this is the right place for you. If you enjoy inventing things or making them better, then our courses are made for you — we’re always happy to welcome a new colleague!

Who can take part?

Everyone is welcome, whatever school you’re at. In our courses, students from all types of high schools work together on research projects, and everyone benefits!

Is there anything for girls?

Of course! You’ll be amazed at how many female researchers we have. Did you know that 30% of the researchers in our Center alone are women? So there’s something for you whatever your gender — register now!

Where do the workshops take place?

Most workshops take place at the Fraunhofer campus in Vaihingen, near Stuttgart, It’s easily accessible by S-Bahn or bus. You can find directions  here.

Any other questions?


Call us on this number:

+49 711 970-4007


or send us an e-mail


You can find everything offered by the Stuttgart STEM cluster and our project partners here.